Free Therapy
Motivational sayings, metaphors, and a place for me to remember these for later.
Forming new habits is like paving a new road. Weed whacking the terrain and paving the road are taxing, sometimes we might want an easier path, but if we keep at it, eventually the untamed area becomes dirt, the dirt becomes a path, and that path eventually becomes a road.
Emotions are like having small kids, we probably shouldn’t trust them to drive or brush them under the rug like they don’t exist.
You can drown in 6 inches of water or 6 feet, it’s the impact it has on you and not the situation. Don’t compare your pain to other’s.
Thoughts are like city busses, if you get on every bus that drives by, you’ll never get to your destination. Learn to let the bus pass and get on the one that will take you where you want to go.
Being present is like being in a car. You need to look ahead, occasionally looking back or to the side. However, if we are always looking back, than we get into accidents or bad situations.
Nothing changes if nothing changes.
Worrying is like a rocking chair, you’re putting a lot of effort into it, but going nowhere.
Your therapist walks into your attic (brain) filled with boxes labeled negative things and sees you clinging to a box labeled “poor self esteem.” Your therapist says, “Why are you keeping all this stuff?” You reply, “My family gave it to me.” Sometimes we need to get rid of struggles, even though they were given to us by our parents and might feel sentimental or comfortable or like being at home. Your therapist will help you keep the stuff that is working and clean the attic from what is not working.
Any beautiful flower that has bloomed went through a lot of dirt to get there.
People with ADHD are like children in a room of TVs, each person or thing happening is a different TV. You can’t expect them to sit in the room and completely follow along. You need to reduce the distractions for an ADHD brain, willpower may not be enough, but environmental change can lead to better results. Help turn the TV off.
You don’t have to attend every argument you are invited to.
Don’t believe everything you think.
Therapy is like IKEA, I can provide you with the tools and instructions, but I can’t put the bookshelf together for you.
When tending to your garden, it is unrealistic to expect that weeds won’t pop up, but we can learn to be better gardeners.
You cannot prepare the road for your child, but you can prepare your child for the road.
When you’re freezing, the urge is to stay still, but that is only going to keep you cold. You need to be active and stay warm & alive. Just like depression, the urge is to sleep and isolate, but that will only keep you depressed.
Sometimes we can’t see the forest for what it is when we are walking through the trees.
I saved the best for last!!
Oh no, I ran out of space, I guess I will have to save it for our next session together!
Let me know which sayings spoke to you the most.
Doc Hotz